2178 = "In/out:Enter Weapon:+/- (Num keypad)" # "Num keypad" is short for numeric keypad - translate to something equally short!
2179 = "(At least 2 players are required!)"
2186 = "You win!"
2187 = "You lose!"
2188 = "You draw!"
2189 = "Kill(s):"
2173 = "Player %d won the match!"
2174 = "Match aborted."
2128 = "The match was a draw."
2129 = "RESULTS"
2198 = "Play again"
2199 = "Number of players:"
2329 = "Required kills:"
# Vehicle names
2330 = "Mundaneo" # Don't translate
2331 = "Pug" # Don't translate
2332 = "Diblo" # Don't translate
2333 = "Bus" # Translate
2334 = "Vapour" # Don't translate
2335 = "Pug GTI" # Don't translate
2336 = "Fjord" # Don't translate
2337 = "Van" # Translate
2338 = "Limo" # Translate
2339 = "Police car" # Translate
2340 = "Scooby" # Don't translate
2341 = "Tank" # Translate
2342 = "Evo" # Don't translate
2343 = "Taxi" # Translate
2344 = "Ice cream van" # Translate
2345 = "Pickup truck" # Translate
2346 = "Hotrod" # Translate
2347 = "Helicopter" # Translate
2348 = "Pug Racer" # Translate 'Racer', but not 'Pug'
2349 = "Truck" # Translate
2350 = "Police van" # Translate
2351 = "RC truck" # Translate (it's a truck that can be used to control a remote controlled car)
2352 = "Remote controlled car" # Translate
2353 = "Boat" # Translate
2354 = "Rocket car" # Translate
2355 = "Vapour GT" # Translate 'GT', but not 'Vapour'
2170 = "1. Freedom City"
2171 = "2. Los Francos City"
2172 = "3. Corona City"
# 2173, 2174, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2178, 2179 taken
# These are the names of the levels - they're all named after songs, in case you were wondering where the weird names came from(although you should still translate them)
# Should not be any longer than this: (You might have to come up with shorter names to do this)
# |----------------|
2180 = "Ready Or Not"
2181 = "Gangster Tripping"
2182 = "Going For Gold"
2183 = "Remote Control"
2184 = "Caught By The Fuzz" # Fuzz = Police
2185 = "Born Slippy"
# 2186, 2187, 2188, 2189 taken
# Keyfile stuff
# 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567
2190 = "Please enter your keyfile (inside game box):"
2191 = "OK"
2192 = "Cancel"
2193 = "Invalid keyfile!"
2194 = "Key file accepted!"
# 2196, 2197, 2198, 2199 taken
# " " = Centered + in big writing
# " " = Leave big vertical gap
# "#" = Left + in blue writing
# "@" = Right + in red writing
# "$" = Centered + in blue writing
# "?" = Centered Payback logo
# "!" = End of text
# "%" = Centered + in red writing
# "ú" = screen_height/2
2200 = " Development"
2201 = " "
# Note: Do not remove the space between the quotes
2202 = "#Coding"
2203 = "@James Daniels"
2204 = "#"
2205 = "#Mac conversion"
2206 = "@Alex Curylo"
2207 = "#"
2208 = "#Graphics"
2209 = "@James Daniels"
2210 = "@George Davis"
2211 = "@Niko Moreira"
2212 = "#"
2213 = "#Sound Effects"
2214 = "@James Daniels"
2215 = "@George Davis"
2216 = "#"
2217 = "#Level Design"
2218 = "@James Daniels"
2219 = "@Chris Spurway"
2220 = "#"
2221 = "#Object Design"
2222 = "@James Daniels"
2223 = "@Chris Spurway"
2224 = "@Chris Daniels"
2225 = "@Sylvio Kurze"
2226 = "#"
2227 = "#Cover photography"
2228 = "@Bruce Daniels"
2229 = "@Chris Daniels"
2230 = "#"
2231 = "#Introduction"
2232 = "@Raytracing/Editing - Niko Moreira"
2233 = "@Co-editing/Cameras - Sami Aatela"
2234 = "@Acting/Sound score - Mikko Siukola"
2235 = "@Music score - Pelto Records"
2236 = " "
2237 = " Soundtrack"
2238 = " "
2239 = "$Anomos Chuckie Dogg Fresh"
2240 = "$Cynic Guru Dispatch "
2241 = "$eH Factor Gigas "
2242 = "$JED mellow26 "
2243 = "$The Oldominion Seeds of Labor "
2244 = "$Venom Records Pelto Records "
# Note: Trailing spaces are required
2245 = " "
2246 = " Localisation"
2247 = " "
2248 = "#Translation Co-ordinator"
2249 = "@Stefano Guidetti"
2250 = "#"
2251 = "#Czech Language Team"
2252 = "@Boleslav Kristen"
2253 = "@Petr Hudecek"
2254 = "@Radek Hrdlicka"
2255 = "#"
2256 = "#Dutch Language Team"
2257 = "@Philippe van Calsteren"
2258 = "@Nico van den Bos"
2259 = "@Marcel Schols"
2260 = "@Raymond Doop"
2261 = "#"
2262 = "#Finnish Language Team"
2263 = "@Juha Niemimaki"
2264 = "@Ossi Niemimaki"
2265 = "@Kaisa Viitanen"
2266 = "#"
2267 = "#French Language Team"
2268 = "@Christophe Lygrisse"
2269 = "@Philippe Bovier"
2270 = "@Philippe Ferrucci"
2271 = "#"
2272 = "#German Language Team"
2273 = "@Dirk Neubauer"
2274 = "@Horst Schumann"
2275 = "#"
2276 = "#Italian Language Team"
2277 = "@Massimo Mascia"
2278 = "@Stefano Guidetti"
2279 = "#"
2280 = "#Norwegian Language Team"
2281 = "@Nicolas Mendoza"
2282 = "#"
2283 = "#Polish Language Team"
2284 = "@Mariusz Danilewicz"
2285 = "@Kamil Niescioruk"
2286 = "#"
2287 = "#Serbian Language Team"
2288 = "@Marko Mihailovic"
2289 = "@Ljubomir Jankovic"
2290 = "#"
2291 = "#Slovenian Language Team"
2292 = "@Damir Arh"
2293 = "@Uros Bogataj"
2294 = "#"
2295 = "#Spanish Language Team"
2296 = "@Javier de las Rivas"
2297 = "@David Rey"
2298 = "#"
2299 = "#Swedish Language Team"
2300 = "@Johan Samuelsson"
2301 = "@Lars Jansson"
2302 = "#"
2303 = "#Slovak language team"
2304 = "@Milan Polony"
2305 = "@Ladislav Resovsky"
2306 = " "
2307 = " Playtesting"
2308 = " "
2309 = "$James Daniels Chris Spurway "
2310 = "$Max Robinson Gary Storm "
2311 = "$George Davis Chris Daniels "
2312 = "$Richard Field David Stroud "
2313 = "$Niko Moreira Fabio Trotta "
2314 = "$Juergen Theiner Robert Williams "
2315 = "$Stefan Martens Johan Samuelsson"
2316 = " "
2317 = " Special Thanks"
2318 = " "
2319 = "$Up Rough Soundsystem Blittersoft "
2320 = "$Steffen Haeuser Chris Page "
2321 = "$Peter McGavin Matthias Henze "
2322 = "$Jacek Cybularczyk Anyone I forgot "
2323 = "ú"
2324 = "?"
2325 = "$(c) 2002 Apex Designs"
2326 = "$ Published by Virtual Programming Ltd"
2327 = "!"
# last number must not exceed 2328
# Map Editor phrases - all these should be kept to 12 characters or less
2480 = "Normal" # face is tmapped
2481 = "Genlocked" # face is genlocked (colour 0 is transparent)
2482 = "Alpha" # face is alpha-channelled
2483 = "Reflect" # face is reflective
2484 = "Face: Top" # top face of cube is selected
2485 = "Face: North" # North face of cube is selected
2486 = "Face: East" # East face of cube is selected
2487 = "Face: South" # South face of cube is selected
2488 = "Face: West" # West face of cube is selected
2489 = "Loading"
1716 = "Routing" # renumbered, was 2316 # joined with 2317 to give "Routing Mode"
1717 = "Mode" # renumbered, was 2317
1718 = "Node:%d" # renumbered, was 2318 # shows currently selected node, %d will be replaced with current node number, keep short
1719 = "Link%d: %u" # renumbered, was 2319 # shows one of the links from the currently selected node, %d with be 1-4, %u will be a reference number
1720 = "Link%d: Off" # renumbered, was 2320 # shows that one of the links from the currently selected node is disabled, %d will be 1-4
1721 = "Off" # renumbered, was 2321 # mode for cubes/faces that are turned off
1722 = "Flat" # renumbered, was 2322 # mode for cubes that are flat
1723 = "Vert" # renumbered, was 2323 # mode for cubes that are sloped vertically
1724 = "Horiz" # renumbered, was 2324 # mode for cubes that are sloped horizontally
1725 = "RVert" # renumbered, was 2325 # mode for cubes that are sloped vertically (reversed)
1726 = "RHoriz" # renumbered, was 2326 # mode for cubes that are sloped horizontally (reversed)
1727 = "Flipped: Yes" # renumbered, was 2327 # face is flipped
1728 = "Flipped: No" # renumbered, was 2328 # face is not flipped
# 2329 taken
2380 = "None" # no weather effects
2381 = "Snow" # snow effects enabled
2382 = "Rain" # rain effects enabled
2383 = "Night" # Time: Night
2384 = "Day" # Time: Day
2385 = "Saving"
# 2380, 2381, 2382, 2383, 2384, 2385 taken
# " " = Centered + in big writing
# "#" = Left + in blue writing
# "@" = Right + in red writing
# "$" = Centered + in blue writing
# "?" = Centered Payback logo
# "!" = End of text
# "%" = Centered + in red writing
# "ú" = screen_height/2
# 123456789012345678901234567890123456789
# Lines must not go past this point------------|
# (if they do, wrap words (preserving incremental phrase numbers) to maintain max line length)
2400 = "?"
2401 = "$5 Minute Playable Demo"
2402 = " "
2403 = "%Please buy the full game. Features"
2404 = "%include:"
2405 = " "
2406 = "$Loads of huge cities to explore, with"
2407 = "$many varied missions to complete."
2408 = "$"
2409 = "%Drive tanks, helicopters, boats,"
2410 = "%buses, remote controlled cars and"
2411 = "%dozens of other exciting vehicles."
2412 = "$"
2413 = "$Different weather conditions - rain,"
2414 = "$snow, sunshine, day or night."
2415 = "$"
2416 = "%Stealth missions."
2417 = "$"
2418 = "$12 channel stereo sound. Realistic"
2419 = "$simulation of the doppler effect."
2420 = "$"
2421 = "%High quality soundtrack."
2422 = "$"
2423 = "$English, German and French"
2424 = "$language support."
# Note: Put current language first in list
2425 = "$"
2426 = "%Motion captured human animation."
2427 = "$"
2428 = "$3D game engine. Perspective correct"
2429 = "$texture mapping, environment mapped"
2430 = "$cars, bump-mapped reflections,"
2431 = "$advanced alpha channelling effects"
2432 = "$and real-time shadows."
2433 = "$"
2434 = "%Deathmatch multiplayer mode - up to 4"
2435 = "%players can play at the same time."
2436 = "ú"
2437 = "$To purchase the full game"
2438 = "$please visit our website at:"
2439 = "$www.vpltd.com"
2440 = " "
2441 = "%In North America visit Freeverse.com"
2442 = " "
2443 = "%Or call your local Mac games supplier"
2444 = " "
2445 = " "
2446 = " "
2447 = " "
2448 = " "
2449 = " "
2450 = "!"
# Control configuration stuff
# (Note: Phrases 2454-2467 should be kept to 16 chars or less.)
2454 = "Control setup"
2455 = "Single player"
2456 = "Multiplayer"
2457 = "Accelerate"
2458 = "Reverse/brake"
2459 = "Turn left"
2460 = "Turn right"
2461 = "Shoot/horn"
2462 = "Shoot/horn (alt)"
2463 = "In/out vehicle"
2464 = "Brake only"
2465 = "Next weapon"
2466 = "Prev weapon"
2467 = "Repeat message"
2468 = "Press desired key or button, or press 0 to disable." # Displayed when the user has chosen which action they want to redefine (e.g. 'previous weapon'). If they press 0 then there will be no key that allows them to (e.g.) switch to their previous weapon.
2471 = "This demo allows you to play a sample level of Payback for 5 minutes. After that the game will automatically quit."
1405 = "Good job. Here's your money - %d big ones!" # %d = amount (in thousands)
1406 = "Have %d,000 notes for a job well done." # %d = amount (in thousands)
# failure
1407 = "You freaking idiot! How on earth did you manage to screw that up?"
1408 = "You're a total loser, you know that?"
1409 = "I should have known that this assignment would be too tough for softie like you."
# vehicle A->B
1410 = "There's %s parked in %s. Steal it!" # %s = vehicle name (1800-1825), %s = location (1830-1838)
1411 = "Some poor sap left %s unattended in %s. You've got %d seconds to steal it!" # %s = vehicle name (1800-1825), %s = location (1830-1838), %d = time in seconds
1412 = "Someone's parked %s in %s. You've got %d seconds to get there and back!" # %s = vehicle name (1800-1825), %s = location (1830-1838), %d = time in seconds
1414 = "Great, now drive it to the marked area in %s." # %s = location (1830-1838)
1415 = "Ok, now dump it in %s. You've got %d seconds to get there!" # %s = location (1830-1838), %d = time in seconds
1417 = "Oi! Get back in!"
1418 = "Right, now take it to the marked location."
# kill peds at A
1420 = "A rival gang are gathering in %s. Go wipe them out!" # %s = location (1830-1838)
1421 = "A gang is hanging out in %s. Kill 'em all in the next %d seconds!" # %s = location (1830-1838), %d = time in seconds
1430 = "I like to put my employees to the test every so often. Nick a fast car and get over to %s - you're going for a race." # %s = location (1830-1838)
1431 = "Go!"
# kill x cops
1440 = "The cops in this town are getting too big for their boots. I think it's time to put them in their place - kill %d of them in the next %d seconds and I'll give you a truck load of green." # %d = amount, %d = time in seconds
# pursue vehicle
1450 = "It seems we're being watched - head over to %s and wipe out the %s that the cops have got parked outside." # %s = location (1830-1838), %s = vehicle (2330-2355)
1451 = "They're on the move! Don't let them get away!"
1452 = "You idiot - you let them get away!"
# survive wanted = 6
1460 = "I've got a new assign... hang on... The line's been tapped! Get out of there!"
1461 = "SURVIVAL!"
# get x points in y seconds
1470 = "Things are a bit too quiet around here - let's liven things up a bit. Get %d,000 points in the next %d seconds for some extra dosh." # %d = amount (in thousands), %d = time in seconds
# level complete
1499 = "NEW HIGH SCORE!"
# Random mission generator data
# vehicles
1800 = "a Mundaneo"
1801 = "a Pug"
1802 = "a Diblo"
1803 = "a bus"
1804 = "a Vapour"
1805 = "a Pug GTI"
1806 = "a Fjord"
1807 = "a van"
1808 = "a limo"
1809 = "a police car"
1810 = "a Scooby"
1811 = "a tank"
1812 = "an Evo"
1813 = "a taxi"
1814 = "an ice cream van"
1815 = "a pickup truck"
1816 = "a hotrod"
1817 = "a helicopter"
1818 = "a Pug Racer"
1819 = "a truck"
1820 = "a police van"
1821 = "a RC truck"
1822 = "a remote controlled car"
1823 = "a boat"
1824 = "a rocket car"
1825 = "a Vapour GT"
# locations
1830 = "the North of the city"
1831 = "the North-East of the city"
1832 = "the East of the city"
1833 = "the South-East of the city"
1834 = "the South of the city"
1835 = "the South-West of the city"
1836 = "the West of the city"
1837 = "the North-West of the city"
1838 = "the centre of the city"
# alt city names
1840 = "Freedom City"
1841 = "Los Francos City"
1842 = "Corona City"
# map editor gadget labels (written as e.g. "Time: Night" (1846+": "+2383)
1845 = "Surface"
1846 = "Time"
1847 = "Weather"
1848 = "Slope"
1849 = "Scenery"
1850 = "Special"
1851 = "Face"
1852 = "Type"
# Error messages
1860 = "Out of storage space!"
1861 = "Out of memory!"
1862 = "Not enough storage space for file. Do you want to delete a file to make room?"
1863 = "Choose file to delete"
1864 = "Delete this file?"
1865 = "File deleted!"
# General messages
1870 = "Load"
1871 = "Save"
1872 = "New"
1873 = "Quit"
1874 = "Mode:"
1875 = "File"
1876 = "Cube"
1877 = "Face"
1878 = "Route"
1879 = "Object"
1880 = "Copy"
1881 = "Paste"
1882 = "Move nodes"
1885 = "Flipped"
1887 = "Police Vans:"
1888 = "Trucks:"
1889 = "Face:"
1890 = "Top"
1891 = "North"
1892 = "East"
1893 = "South"
1894 = "West"
1895 = "Type:"
1896 = "Set Texture"
1897 = "Add"
1898 = "Delete"
1899 = "Scenery:"
1900 = "Orientation:"
1902 = "Object:"
1903 = "Node:"
1904 = "Overwrite map: Are you sure?"
1905 = "Wipe map: Are you sure?"
1906 = "Zoom:"
1907 = "Quit: Are you sure?"
1908 = "Error: Map does not exist."
# Scenery objects
1910 = "Traffic Light"
1911 = "Lamppost-off"
1912 = "Rock"
1913 = "Apex Monument"
1914 = "Pointy Tree"
1915 = "Crate"
1916 = "Bare Tree"
1917 = "Leafy Tree"
1918 = "Bazooka"
1919 = "Flamethrower"
1920 = "Grenades"
1921 = "Minigun"
1922 = "Shotgun"
1923 = "Phone-off" # phone without flashing arrow
1924 = "Crossing-off" # short for pedestrian crossing, lights off
1925 = "Crossing-flash" # short for pedestrian crossing, lights flashing
1926 = "Chimney"
1927 = "Bench"
1928 = "Phone-flash" # phone with flashing arrow
1929 = "Radar"
1930 = "Alarm-off" # alarm without flashing light
1931 = "Alarm-flash" # alarm with flashing light
1932 = "Briefcase"
1933 = "Info"
1934 = "Snowy Tree"
1935 = "Snowman"
1936 = "Pistol"
1937 = "Remote Bomb"
1938 = "Pole"
1939 = "Bed"
1940 = "Bedside Table"
1941 = "Pot Plant"
1942 = "Lamppost-on"
1943 = "Key"
1944 = "Lamp"
# misc
1950 = "Mark as undefined"
1951 = "Press desired key or button, or use mouse/stylus to choose option below."